Finals finishing, Finaly...

This week's end will mark the close of the TCU fall semester and not a moment too soon. As I look back I can't say I'm sad to see it go. While I enjoyed a class or two (English, Bus. Law) I have found a mild distaste at best for the rest of my classes. I'll be glad to see this semester shrivel and die like the leaves on the trees.
Looking at the bigger picture, as this year comes to a close it marks the end of one career and the beginning of a new one. It's hard to leave the place I have called home my whole life and move on, in fact is was the hardest decision I have ever had to make. I'll miss the people there and all that it has meant to me, but I know that its time for me has past and I have to move on. I hope those there will understand.
On a lighter note, my Jedi boots and gloves came in. They're sweet. My costume is almost complete. I am a huge nerd and I'm proud of it.
May the Force Be With You (Oh, and Merry Christmas too)