People Are Idiots

If you don't know who Jack Thompson is, he's a lawyer who has decided that he's going to make it his career to get violent videogames off the market. As an avid gamer for most of my life, you'd think I might be worried for by beloved videogame, but I'm not. Why? Because Jack Thompson is a raving lunatic with one foot in the nursing home.
Also it seems that if you take away violent videogames that you should do away with rated "R" movies, Smoking, Alcohol, Strip Clubs and Pornography. While I don't approve of all of those things it is an adults right to participate in them if they so choose and if you messed with them America would go nuts.
However if my games are ever in jeopardy I can assure you that there will be swift action by the united gamming community of the United States and there will be a Million Gamer March on Washington. The simple fact is and I quote:
“There are millions of gamers just like me, and we’re getting sick of people like you blaming your problems on us. Ignorance causes violence, not videogames. Man up and take responsibility. We outnumber you, and the people who think like you. Don’t (mess) with us.”
- Tim Buckley, author of CTRL-ALT-DEL
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