Not -so-Quiet Reflection

Blogging, while not new to you or I is still an infant in the world of the mass media. So many people still look at you with a puzzled face when you spout off the word “blog.” They are gaining notoriety in certain circles yet still considered fiction by many. The bloggosphere is a universe torn between worlds; that of the internet café dweller and that of the housewife. It is amazing to see how different people reading the same material can come to such different conclusions.
During my research I found that while my topic is a big deal to me, others aren’t too concerned about it, if they’re even aware of it at all. Research is a fickle mistress and when I went to her seeking tomes of information I was given scraps of halve-truths and hearsay. While at first this proved disappointing I found that what I was given was not so inappropriate and misplaced after all. Writing is still a love of mine, even after freshman comp. This project has impacted my writing style in ways I didn’t expect.
Studying your subject matter and gleaning first hand information is harder than I expected and in all my reading and pondering I still feel that I came up short of empirical data in many ways.
My philosophy in paper-writing, as well as in life is never to regret what you’ve already done, because you wouldn’t be the same person (or in this case writer) that you are today with out the victorious triumphs and failed tribulations of the past.
For the future pupils of the bloggosphere I hope that they will not take the class lightly and that they will grab hold of the information revolution that is changing the mass media, and not write it off as some technological fad.
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